Tip of the Week: Headphones for Working Out

Tip of the Week: Headphones for Working Out

Yurbud Headphones for WomenI think one of the most frustrating things when you are trying to get a good workout in is constantly fighting with your stupid ear-buds that won’t just STAY IN YOUR EARS. I fought with these things for years just assuming that that’s what everyone had to deal with and if you wanted “specialty” headphones for running you had to pay the “specialty” price.

I have since discovered the brand Yurbuds which are made BY athletes FOR athletes, and they even have them in women’s sizes to fit our smaller ears. These ear-buds fit directly into you ear and then twist into place to give it an extra secureness.

Now, these are more expensive than your average drugstore headphones, depending on your style they range from around $30-$100, but they last a long time! In fact, I’ve had mine for about 3 months now and the enhancers on the end of the buds were becoming loose really easily started to fall off; I was bummed for two reasons, I was worried I might lose one of them at some point, and it made them much less secure in my ear.

But by tweeting @yurbuds with my problem I discovered that if you wash them in warm soapy water it can help that problem. And by golly, they were right! So I am completely sold on Yurbuds now and highly suggest them to my other athlete friends that want to throw their stupid ear-buds out the window every time they try to workout with them.

What are some other versions of headphones you guys like to use when working out? I’d love to hear from you!