A New Blog Domain & My Longest Run Ever!

A New Blog Domain & My Longest Run Ever!


(Moved from yesirunlikeagirl.blogspot.com to www.yesirunlikeagirl.com)

It’s been so long! Sorry for the delay in posting on the blog, but all my free time has been spent moving the old blog over to this new domain! That’s right, my blog has an ACTUAL domain now. Yes I Run Like a Girl is getting more and more legit ladies and gentlemen.

So welcome to the new site! I hope you like it….yes, lime green is my favorite color 😉



Since the last post my mileage has reached a whole new level; I recently took on the longest run I’ve ever done in one period of time…18 miles! I was pretty stoked that I was able to do 18 in less than 3 hours too.

White Nike GPS Watch 18 miles

My thoughts after this run? What have I gotten myself into?! I’m supposed to run my first marathon in 11 weeks and now I am scared to DEATH. That was definitely a difficult run for me to finish and needless to say I was a bit sore for the next few hours.

In fact I think the way things went down was that I hobbled to my car, used my hands to physically lift my legs into my car to drive home, hobbled up the stairs to my room, flopped on my bed and didn’t move for a good 20 minutes. Yep, yeah, I think that’s how it went.

I recovered faster than I thought I would though! By that night I could walk normally again, in fact I ventured out of the house for a delicious feast of sushi! And by the next day, I was pretty much back to normal. So yes…I’m scared I’m going to fall apart after the marathon, but luckily I don’t think I’ll die. Cross your fingers for me just in case though!



On a similar note, since I’ve started running further and further distances I’ve noticed that it would be helpful to have a source of fuel at some point during the run (typically around mile 14 or 15) but I struggle with this because my stomach is super sensitive when I run. I can’t do GUs, I’ve tried, believe me, I’ve tried. So now I’m wondering if there is a better solution.

Anyone have suggestions of different kinds of fuel to bring with you on a long run if you’ve got a sensitive stomach? Or maybe even liquids? Do you use things like nuun or powerade? What works best?


Thanks Everyone!