A Halloween Running Outfit For The Win

A Halloween Running Outfit For The Win

Thanks to pro compression I’m pretty sure I know what I’m going to be for Halloween this year…

Mike Wazowski!

I know it’s only September, and I really shouldn’t be thinking about Halloween already….but look how cute this is!

I’ll be running a 5k on Halloween this year, the Provo Haunted Half (but i’m just doing the 5k this time). This race is known for having many people there in great Halloween costumes, so naturally I have to compete 😉 I’m still open to different ideas though and I want to get other people’s thoughts, so comment, email me (yes.irunlikeagirl @ gmail.com), do whatever you have to do to send me your ideas!


What races are you running this Halloween? Got any great costume ideas that are easy to run in? Send you pictures my way and I’ll feature those the most creative ones just before Halloween!