Runners to Follow on Instagram

Runners to Follow on Instagram


Ever wondered who to follow on instagram? The following are a few my favorite runners and running companies that post fantastic and interesting pictures or stories to their instagram. Take a look!



Kara Goucher (@KaraGoucher) – While the name rings a bell for many, those that don’t follow Kara on instgram haven’t seen just how down to Earth this runner is. I enjoy seeing her posts about hard workouts, as well as her adorable family, and support system of friends, family, and teammates.

Lauren Fleshman (@FleshmanFlyer) – Because this girl is hilarious! I have never met her, but I think I would fall apart if I did. Her posts are full of honesty, she is super playful, incredibly humble, and all about her co-running mates.

Anna Frost (@AnnaFrosty) – If you enjoy seeing other adventurists take on the world than Anna is a must-follow. She has captured some of the most incredible views on her instagram, all while out on some kind of running adventure.

Shalane Flanagan (@ShalaneFlanagan) – She is an amazing olympic marathon runner! Definitely follow Shalane to get an insider’s eyes to training for the Olympics.

Ricky Gates (@RickyGates) – If you’re a trail junky (like myself), you will absolutely love seeing all the magnificent trails Ricky Gates highlights on his instagram.

Michele (@NYCRunningMama) – Michele posts pictures of her running outfits, her kids, her gear, and the views she sees while she’s out training. She’s an inspiring runner to watch and follow.

Jackie Achter (@TrailRunnerJack) – Jackie posts incredible pictures of her running experiences outdoors and on the trails. A must-follow for the nature enthusiast.

Jenn (@agazelle74) – Jenn was bit by a Rattle Snake while out on a trail running. Her instagram is an inspiration to all runners. Each day she takes her followers through her experience recovering, getting back to the trails, and how to never give up.

Becki Spellman (@BeckiSpell) – Becki is an amazing runner who takes her follows through what it’s like to be a runner mom. Plus, she sometimes features her adorable twins in her posts.

Mandi (@MandiRuns) – I ran Ragnar with Mandi in 2014 and came to love her spunky personality! She is a great one to follow on instagram because she is such a hard working runner and triathlete. Her entertaining personality will keep you interested in all her athletic adventures.

Jeremy Heath (@Runner_Blogger_AZ) – I enjoy following Jeremy because he is so willing to converse and answer questions! He is very active on instagram, and writes a fantastic blog as well.

Nicole (@runlikeagirlwme) – She is a 20 something with a real love of running. She posts pictures of her runs, her gear, and basically anything that has to do with being athletic. She’s kinda quirky and very honest, but I might be a little biased about this one….seeing as she’s ME! 😀



Nuun (@NuunHydration) – I enjoy following this company because they are super interactive! They respond to everyone and enjoy conversations with runners. Their posts include a lot of behind the scenes on races they help hydrate as well as features of other runners.

Oiselle (@oiselle) – This is a group all about the camaraderie of the running community. They post a lot of inspirational and encouraging things. The company believes in all runners, not just the fast ones, which makes them a must-follow in my book. Not to mention the fact that they have fantastic running clothes!

Sparkle Athletic (@SparkleAthletic) – This company is very entertaining with their posting. They are a high energy group of runners that love to dress up for their races. I enjoy seeing what kinds of outfits they put together for their themed races.

Ragnar (@RagnarRelay) – Get all of the best pictures from Ragnars across the country! Plus, the company has a very fun-loving and goofy personality that comes through in their posts.

NorCal Distance (@NorCalDistance) – I may be a little biased on this one because I grew up in Northern California. I love seeing all the old trails I used to run on, the teams I’ve always cheered for, and even a few friends that pop up every now and again. I definitely suggest finding an instagram that features the place you grew up running!

Run Utah Run (@RunUtahRun) – This account features the trails and races going on across Utah. Since this is the place my current roots are, I enjoy seeing the running opportunities taking place in the state of Utah.



Did I miss any? Who else should runners follow on Instagram? Let me know in the comments below!